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We work with communities in the capital Kampala, and in the Jinja region, who live in extreme poverty after having fled conflict zones in Northern Uganda. Many children have lost their parents and ...

OnderwijsBuurt & omgevingArmoedebestrijding


Structureel werk · 1–4 uur/week
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OnderwijsBuurt & omgevingArmoedebestrijding
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Foundation 22STARS
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We are searching for an English native speaker to proofread some of our texts on our website

Uitgebreide omschrijving

We are looking for a volunteer that would like to join our team at the Foundation 22STARS, and donate about 5 hours of their time. The main task would be correcting some sections in our English website. For this reason we are looking for an English native speaker.

Wat wij vrijwilligers aanbieden

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Over Foundation 22STARS

We work with communities in the capital Kampala, and in the Jinja region, who live in extreme poverty after having fled conflict zones in Northern Uganda. Many children have lost their parents and those who still have parents, cannot afford to attend school. We use Education, Entrepreneurship and Local leadership to empower the children and their families to rise above poverty. We have created within our sponsorship programs, long-term sponsorships for 315 children, we also run several community development initiatives including a Nutrition Project, Livelihood Project, Eye-Care and Health Projects, our holistic After School Project, Small Business Training and Micro Loans Project for 65 families.
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