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Project IQ MRA Kuala Lumpur 2025

Project IQ MRA Kuala Lumpur 2025

Taak · 2–4 uur
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
OnderwijsLezen & schrijvenEngelsMaleisAndersJeugdwerk
Buurt & omgevingOnderwijsKinderen & Jongeren
4 Kwaliteitsonderwijs10 Ongelijkheid verminderen
Geschikt voor bedrijfsvrijwilligers


MALAYSIAN RELIEF AGENCYStel de contactpersoon een vraag
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Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA)
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We are looking for volunteers with a gung-ho attitude to assist B40 students at PPR/PAs in KL between the age of 8 to 11 to improve their literacy skills.

Uitgebreide omschrijving

Project IQ MRA Kuala Lumpur is a free weekly tuition project that targets left-behind students between the ages of eight to 12 years old in Kuala Lumpur. We aim to assist left-behind students from low-income families to catch up with their learning, especially in the post-COVID-19 era.

We assist them by improving their weak mastery of literacy and numeracy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative to address this issue as illiteracy hinders their progress to excel even during the upper primary level. 

Project IQ Kuala Lumpur has opened its doors at PPR Seri Semarak, PPR Sri Pantai, and PA Sri Pahang, Bangsar. The classes are on weekdays between 8.00 to 9.30 pm.

Volunteers will teach a small group of students between 10 to 20 students. The volunteer teaches either English or Mathematics. Each class session will have two to three volunteers to assist them with the lesson. MRA will provide the lesson materials.

You will gain a few invaluable professional skills by becoming a volunteer teacher. It helps you develop good communication and collaborative skills since you will work with the children and PPR community.

Secondly, you can develop problem-solving skills as you need to be creative and resourceful when teaching children for a non-profit with a tight budget. Lastly, voluntary work exhibits to future employers your motivated and initiated attitude. All three skill sets can set you apart from other candidates.

Personal gain from voluntary work includes the expansion of perspective and networking while helping underprivileged students to excel in their studies. Plus, you will feel good about it too.

Your voluntary teaching might just be the push these kids need to achieve educational excellence.

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Over Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA)

Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) is a humanitarian organization registered under the Trustee Act 1952 (PPAB 20/2010), with the primary objective of assisting those affected by natural disasters or armed conflicts, both locally and abroad. As a non-profit organization, all activities are sponsored and supported by concerned individuals and corporations. In 2014, MRA received special consultative status from United Nations – Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) which enable MRA to participate in UN deliberations. In 2017, MRA was accepted as an Associate Member of the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA).

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