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Roots of Empathy is an international, evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising social/emotional competence ...

Sociale rechtvaardigheidKinderen & JongerenOnderwijs
Roots of Empathy Family, Groningen

Roots of Empathy Family, Groningen

Project (Tijdelijk) · Start vanaf 1 nov 2019
Groningen, Netherlands
Ondersteunend werkOnderwijsNederlandsSociaal contactMaatje & buddy
Sociale rechtvaardigheidKinderen & JongerenOnderwijs
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Roots of Empathy
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Roots of Empathy is looking for parents/babies who want to help to increase kindness in school-aged children by visiting a Groningen class once a month.

Uitgebreide omschrijving

Are you a proud parent with a new baby?

Will your baby be 2 - 4 months old in October?

You and your baby could be one of our first Roots of Empathy Families for our new programs starting up in Groningen.

What We Do

Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based program for elementary school children. The program helps children to learn about a baby's needs and development, and lets children see the best model of empathy - the relationship between parent and baby. Classes are taught by a Roots of Empathy Instructor trained to give lessons on how a baby grows, how to name and talk about feelings, and to think about the feelings of others - empathy.

What a Roots of Empathy Family Does

At the heart of the program are a neighbourhood baby and parent who visit the classroom every three weeks over the school year for a total of 9 visits, each about 30 minutes long. A trained Roots of Empathy Instructor coaches students to observe the baby's development and to label the baby's feelings. In this experiential learning, the baby is the "Teacher" and a lever which the Instructor uses to help children identify and reflect on their own feelings and understand the feelings of others. This "emotional literacy" taught in the program lays the foundation for more safe and caring classrooms, where children are the "Changers". They are more competent in understanding their own feelings and the feelings of others (empathy) and are therefore less likely to physically, psychologically and emotionally hurt each other through bullying and other cruelties. During Family Visits, students will have lots of questions about your baby and about what it take to be a parent. They will be coached to take the perspective of your baby, to understand what your baby is feeling.

Our Commitment to You

At the start of the year, the Instructor will meet with you to talk about the program and answer any questions you may have. The Instructor will call before each of the 9 Family Visits to talk about the theme for the visit. The Instructor will tell you about questions the students asked since the last Family Visit. Your baby will be loved by every student, be a star in the school, and your family will be helping to build empathy in children. Parents in 14 different countries have reached more than one million children in building empathy around our green blankets. Please join us in helping to change the world, child by child, in Groningen.

For more information:

You may also take a look at one of our visits in Rotterdam:

From Jeugdjournaal -


From Brandpunt+ | kro-ncrv




From BN De Stem

For more information:


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U kunt zich helaas niet langer registreren voor deze vrijwilligersvacature. Je kan hier andere vrijwilligersvacatures vinden.
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Over Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy is an international, evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program is designed for children ages 5 to 13. In Canada, the program is delivered in English and French and reaches rural, urban, and remote communities including Indigenous communities. The program is also in New Zealand, the United States, the Republic of Ireland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, Germany, Switzerland and Costa Rica. In 2018 we'll be starting in the Netherlands.

At the heart of the program are a neighbourhood infant and parent who visit the classroom every three weeks over the school year. A trained Roots of Empathy Instructor coaches students to observe the baby's development and to label the baby's feelings. In this experiential learning, the baby is the “Teacher” and a lever, which the instructor uses to help children identify and reflect on their own feelings and the feelings of others. This “emotional literacy” taught in the program lays the foundation for safer and more caring classrooms, where children are the “Changers”. They are more competent in understanding their own feelings and the feelings of others (empathy) and are therefore less likely to physically, psychologically and emotionally hurt each other through bullying and other cruelties. In the Roots of Empathy program children learn how to challenge cruelty and injustice. Messages of social inclusion and activities that are consensus building contribute to a culture of caring that changes the tone of the classroom. The Instructor also visits before and after each family visit to prepare and reinforce teachings using a specialized lesson plan for each visit. Research results from national and international evaluations of Roots of Empathy indicate significant reductions in aggression and increases in pro-social behaviour.
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