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Objectives: The main objective is social and environmental development. This organization will work for the development of society and people. One of the purposes is to stand by the poor and helpless ...

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Habiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh
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State of Youth @ Habiganj
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Do you share our mission and do you want to help us make a difference? Get in touch with us now, so we can find out together how you can help! Tell us a bit more about yourself and why you’re motivated to support our mission, and we’ll get back to you soon, so we can start doing good together!

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Over State of Youth @ Habiganj

Objectives: The main objective is social and environmental development. This organization will work for the development of society and people. One of the purposes is to stand by the poor and helpless. It is important to provide assistance to create a people with the mentality of cooperating at all levels.

Goal: The goal of State of Youth @ Habiganj is to build a beautiful and happy society by serving all the people in the society including the helpless and poor. In a society that does not have the cries of helpless people, school dropouts due to lack of finances and untimely death due to lack of treatment. That is, to co-operate with the helpless and the poor as much as we can. It is also undertaking programs to create employment for unemployed youth as education expands in the future. To take necessary steps for building good health of every person in the society and to extend the hand of all-out cooperation in its implementation with the cooperation of all. The so-called burden of society, the role played by the unemployed in the smooth transformation of society.
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