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Collection Camps

Collection Camps

Project (Tijdelijk) · 4–5 uur/week · Start vanaf 15 jan 2025 Voor ongeveer 8 weken
Wisma Zelan, No1, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri 2, Kuala Lumpur, 56000, Malaysia
OnderwijsArmoedebestrijdingBuurt & omgeving
1 Geen armoede4 Kwaliteitsonderwijs11 Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen


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Goonj Malaysia
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We are looking for passionate and dedicated volunteers to support Goonj Malaysia in our mission to collect and distribute school materials to underprivileged co

Uitgebreide omschrijving

Goonj Malaysia, a social enterprise focused on upcycling and repurposing underutilized materials into sustainable products. Goonj Malaysia collect used school materials and give them a second life and directly benefiting underprivileged communities.Our mission is to promote environmental sustainability while empowering communities through innovative solutions.

Task Description:

As a volunteer, your role will be to:

  1. Contact Schools: Reach out to schools in your area and introduce Goonj Malaysia’s mission of collecting surplus school materials to support underprivileged children.
  2. Explain the Mission: Clearly communicate how Goonj Malaysia repurposes school materials and the impact this has on children’s lives.
  3. Seek Permission: Request approval from school authorities to organize a Collection Camp at their school. This camp will allow students and parents to donate surplus school materials like books, stationery, and uniforms.

Why Join Us?

  • Be a part of a meaningful initiative that uplifts underprivileged communities.
  • Develop communication and networking skills while engaging with schools.
  • Help make education accessible to those who need it most.

Hoe kom ik er?

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Over Goonj Malaysia

Many rural children drop out of school due to the lack of basic learning essentials, which burdens families and discourages education. To address this, we are launching the "Power of 5" challenge, connecting urban schools' surplus with rural schools in need.

The goal is to provide rural students with five essentials: a school bag, notebooks, a uniform, shoes, and a water bottle or lunch box. These items are crucial for enabling children to attend school and pursue their education with dignity.

Join us in empowering rural children by bridging this gap and creating equal opportunities for their future.

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